Alexander Technique is one of the most recognized and accredited methods of therapy and psychic-physical education in the Western world. Learning it makes possible to achieve greater agility, flexibility, mobility and elasticity in general, as well as reduce muscular pain and contractures, stress and scenic fear. The Alexander Technique improves the overall quality of life, directly influencing our mood and emotional state, our physical condition and our way of moving and the quality with which we perform the daily tasks.
This course will allow students to deepen their knowledge of their own potential and discover new possibilities of movement and communication, facilitating a more agile and spontaneous instrumental interpretation, greater elegance in movement, efficiency and better coordination and body balance.
17th to 19th of July the Alexander Technique professional Aranka Fortwängler will give a masterclass, individual and group lessons, assisted by Lucía Carro when working with your own instrument.
The course includes:
* Course open to registered students at the Laboratory and external students:
* The FESTIVAL will provide designated pastoral staff to monitor under 18's.
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