Percussion course

1st Level - Discovering music through percussion

Musical initiation and Elementary education

For children, but not only children. A course designed to discover music throughout percussion. Games, workshops, open air activities and lots of music.


Some of the activities are designed for children and parents, and so, we encourage you to come all together as a family and enjoy the activities together. It will be an experience you will never forget.

The application for this level includes:

  • Percussion lessons
  • Musical games
  • Open air activities
  • Swimming pool 
  • Attendance to all masterclasses and adequate talks to this level
  • Attendance to all the concerts and shows
  • Participation at the final concerts (Saturday 22nd)

* For this level we offer different application's modalities:

  • Only course/festival (80€)
  • Course/festival + 1 meal a day (116€)
  • Course/festival + all the meals (170€)
  • Course/festival + accommodation and meals (280€)

* The FESTIVAL will provide designated pastoral staff to monitor under 18's.